
We value your privacy

Based on the following purposes, you can set your consent preferences and determine how you want your data to be used. You can define your preferences regarding our company independently from those of third parties. Each purpose contains a description of how we and our partners use your data.

From Rifer

Conservation and access to information

The storage or access to information already stored on your device, such as advertising identifiers, device identifiers, cookies and similar technologies.


The collection and processing of information about your use of this service, in order to later personalize the advertising and/or the content, adapting them to you in other contexts over time, for example, in other websites or applications. Normally, the content of the website or application is used to understand your interests, serving as a basis for future selection of advertising and/or content.

Selection, Availability, Ad Communication

The collection of information and the combination with information collected previously, in order to select and make available to you advertisements and measure their availability and effectiveness. This includes using previously collected information about your interests in order to select advertisements, process data about the advertisements that have been displayed, how often they have been displayed, when and where they have been displayed, and whether you have reacted in any way to the advertisement, including, for example, whether you have clicked on an advertisement or made a purchase. This does not include Personalization, i.e. the collection and processing of information about your use of this service in order to later personalize the advertising and/or the content, adapting them to you in other contexts over time, such as websites or applications.

Selection, availability, communication of content

The collection of information and the combination with previously collected information in order to select and make available to you content and measure its availability and effectiveness. This includes using previously collected information about your interests in order to select content, process data about what content was presented, how often or for how long it was presented, when and where it was presented, and whether it reacted in any way to the content, including, for example, clicking on it. This does not include Personalization, which is the collection and processing of information about your use of this service, in order to later personalize the content and/or advertising, adapting them to you in other contexts over time, such as websites or applications.


The collection of information about your use of the content and the combination with previously collected information in order to measure, understand and inform about your use of the service. This does not include Personalization, the collection of information about your use of this service in order to later personalize the content and/or advertising, adapting them to you in other contexts over time, i.e., in another service, such as websites or applications.

From Google

Allow Google and its technology partners to collect data and use cookies for ad personalization and measurement.


Offline data matching

Combine data from offline sources, initially collected in other contexts, with data collected online, to support one or more purposes.

Device connection

Data processing in order to associate several devices belonging to the same user, to support one or more purposes.

Exact geographical location data

To collect and support exact geographic location data to support one or more purposes.

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